"Before I can tell my life what I want to do with it, I must listen to my life telling me who I am." 
-Parker J. Palmer



to my favorite room in this house

i'm a certified

I'm certified as a

Modern Meditation Teacher

in the mindfulness modality

when & where 

see you there

modern medi club (online)

sundays at 8pm est

take me there

insight timer app

anytime, anywhere

practice with me


What is your prior experience in meditation and mindfulness? anything else you would want me to know? 

Thank you for getting in touch, I will be in contact shortly! 
Love, Nat.

1-1 session

private meditation guidance customized to you and your schedule

get notified about future sessions

meditate in community


a donation-based
online meditation studio

a donation-based online meditation studio

join the modern medi club

Sign up to my Sunday class or use this link 
  • Go to this link
  • Create a FREE account 
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